Hi there! Confetti Dogs is a reputable dog trainer offering in-person dog training in Frederick MD and surrounding areas.
My programs begin with an in-home evaluation of your dog. After evaluating your dog, I take 2-3 days to write up a personalized, goal oriented training plan based on the training needs you actually have...not a cookie-cutter kind of program. After your approval of the plan, we begin our weekly sessions together and stay connected throughout the week on WhatsApp as you work through your HW. On WhatsApp I send specific homework tasks and clients send 2-3 short videos each week to ensure progress is happening. I offer real-time critique and support to ensure that the client and I are heading the right direction each week with our agreed upon goals. Confetti Dogs programs also have great Long Term Support Package included in each plan so we can do our best to ensure the changes are long lasting and that the client feels equipped and adaptable to new situations that come up. My approach is very much focused on "family dogs" and focuses on improving safety if needed, and improving everyday interactions between family members, guests, and the dog(s).
I'm very passionate about what I do, and I believe in my approach to problem solving through some really tough / unsafe situations that people are experiencing with their dog. We work with a lot of leash aggression / reactivity cases, dogs fighting in the same home, unsafe/intrusive behaviors, etc. I also love helping people prevent problems by building strong foundations, and excellent obedience, healthy patterns of communication with their dog, etc.
To learn more about my vision and what I do, and how my programs work...please visit my website (https://www.confettidogs.com) or just message me at 240.623.8075, or follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and/or Youtube!
Also, if you have a moment, please read over some of our 80+ reviews on the Confetti Dogs Google Business profile here: CLIENT REVIEWS
Lastly, consider joining our Confetti Dogs Learning Community for $19 / month with free 7 day trial period. You can also cancel at any time!
Thanks for your interest!
John (Head Trainer / Founder) & April (Director of Operations)