Protector. Innovator. Philanthropist. These are three qualities that every agent at IMPACT Maryland Real Estate must possess. As a Protector the number one job is to look out for the client at all costs. As a defender of what is right and what is in the best interest of the client takes precedence over everything. Innovator. IMPACT Maryland Real Estate will be at the forefront of not only doing what is right for the client, but will always be Innovating to help clients, much like the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. He was always innovating and cutting edge, we will be pushing the envelope for the good of the client. Philanthropist. Giving back to the community which we serve is undoubtedly the legacy for which we strive. Some give back time, others make monetary donations. It is not the size of the donation, it is that act of ‘giving back,’ and IMPACT Maryland Real Estate’s agents contributions are felt throughout community. If an agent does not subscribe to the 3 tenets of Protecting, Innovating, and Giving Back to a greater purpose is the Impact then they are not IMPACT Maryland Real Estate agents.