Wellness Culture Club

  • Date7/23/2024
  • Time5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Address
    11 Byte Court
    Suite C
  • Info

    About the event

    Join us for the next Wellness Culture Club to prioritize your well-being and cultivate a healthier, more balanced life. Our meetup includes an interactive mastermind session to help you achieve your wellness goals.



    • 15min Deep Health Check-In: Start by connecting with your inner self. Explore your current well-being status in the six dimensions of deep health and bring awareness to where you are today.
    • 1hr Well-Being Mastermind: Engage in a dynamic group discussion led by a wellness coach. Share what's working well, what's not working well, and where you need help. The group will offer insights and support, with participants writing their tips on post-its to attach to your poster, which you can take home. Sometimes the best results come from the smallest adjustment.

    Feel free to bring a notebook or journal to jot down your thoughts and goals.

    Get Ready To:

    • Gain a deeper understanding of your overall well-being.
    • Foster a sense of community and support.
    • Discover practical ways to implement positive habits in your life.
    • Take intentional steps toward a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.
    • Cultivate a wellness-focused mindset and embrace self-care.

    Squadstyle members rsvp free in the app. $50 for guests.


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